With the Codex 1Panayiotis Tzamalikos (MSc, MPhil, PhD) is Professor of Philosophy at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Born in Athens, he studied at the University of Thessaloniki, first Science and then Philosophy.

Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Senior Research Fellow at Glasgow University (1986-2001). His main research interests include Greek Philosophy (Presocratics,  Classical and Late Antiquity), the relation and interplay between Hellenism and Christianity, the roots and evolution of Christian doctrine from its origins until the eleventh century, Classical and Late Antique philosophy and its influence on Christianity, the influence of Christian thought on Neoplatonism, Patristic Theology, and the real import of Origenism and its various implications, from Origen’s death down to the late sixth century.

He has written extensively on Origen, the author in whose work the interplay between those streams of thought is most dramatic as well as illuminating of the backdrop and setting in which Neoplatonism and Patristic Thought emerged, interacted, and evolved side-by-side.

Following research on unpublished ancient Greek manuscripts, his three books on the newly discovered Christian author Cassian the Sabaite (heretofore eclipsed by a figment called 'John Cassian of Marseilles') explore the dramatic relation between Hellenism and Christianity under the reign of Justinian, as this appears is the writings of this hitherto unknown Greek Father.  Cassian the Sabaite was an erudite scholar and student of the Hellenic lore as much as was he a Christian, who deplored the views about ‘heresy’ imposed on Christian theologian’s by the ‘imperial orthodoxy’ of Justinian’s caesaropapism.

His latest book on Anaxagoras (September 2016, see below) explores the physics and philosophy of this Presocratic rebutting the inveterate verdic that he introduced material principles, which unlearnedly have  be taken to be 'stuffs'. Anaxagoras was the real source of the theory of potentiality, which Aristotle received without adding anything substantially new to this. Anaxagoras' notion of Nous identified with God was taken up by Plato, then by Aristotle and the Stoics, and by the most eminent of Christian theologians who used Nous as an alternative name either for the Trinity or for any of the Three Persons. Origen, followed by Porphyry, revived Anaxagoras' Theory of Logoi, on the basis of which can Origen's theory of soul be grasped, thus eliminating the fansciful nonsense about his alleged 'theory of transmigration' (chapter 13, pp. 1178-1442). It has been also shown that the critical exposition of Anaxagoras' text and philosophy by Simplicius (who alone preserved Anaxagoras' own words in considerable context) is not  an aleged 'Neoplatonic' rendering of Anaxagoras; rather, critical study of Aristotle's invective against this Presocratic, along with Neoplatonic texts (not only of Plotinus, but also of Porphyry, Proclus, Ammonius, Damascius, Simplicius) reveals that Anaxagoras exerted critical influence upon critical Neoplatonic ideas and formulations, notwithstanding the substantial differences of Neoplatonism from that insightful Presocratic genius.


Panayiotis Tzamalikos' books in English have been published by the following publishers (see books in Greek in the Greek version of this site):

Peter Lang Verlag, Bern, Frankfurt, Paris, New York

- The Concept of Time in Origen, 1991

Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands / Boston, USA

- Origen: Cosmology and Ontology of Time, 2006

- Origen: Philosophy of History and Eschatology, 2007

- A Newly Discovered Greek Father
  Cassian the Sabaite eclipsed by ‘John Cassian’ of Marseilles
  A critical edition of an ancient manuscript with commentary and an English translation, 2012

- The Real Cassian Revisited
  Monastic Life, Greek Paideia, and Origenism in the Sixth Century
  A critical study of an ancient manuscript, 2012

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England / New York, USA

- An Ancient Commentary on The Book of Revelation
  A critical edition of the Scholia in Apocalypsin
  with commentary and an English translation, 2013

De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany / New York, USA

- Anaxagoras, Origen, and Neoplatonism
 The Legacy of Anaxagoras to Classical and Late Antiquity, 2016
  2 volumes, pp. xxviii + 1794

About Panayiotis Tzamalikos

photoIDPanayiotis Tzamalikos (MSc, MPhil. PhD) is Professor of Philosophy at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Born in Athens, he studied at the University of Thessaloniki, first Science and then Philosophy.  READ MORE >>

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